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Press information
I’m interested in renting a display area and/or advertising at Surrey Quays – who do I contact for more information?
Exciting commercial opportunities for new and established mall retailers and promoters are available at Surrey Quays. For details of prices and availability, contact Cherylynn or Gemma at Shoppertainment Management Ltd, the award-winning mall-income and marketing specialists, on 0161 817 5221 or get in touch by email.
Who should I contact to discuss leasing one of your retail units?
Please get in touch with our letting agents if you are interested in letting one of our retail units. You can phone Morgan Williams on 020 7493 4455 or McMullen Wilson on 020 3058 0200.
Who should I contact with regards to maintenance work to be carried out at Surrey Quays?
For more information on renting a retail unit within the Surrey Quays Rotherhithe centre, please contact the Centre Manager, Ian Moore, on 020 7237 5282, or get in touch by email.
I’m interested in organising a charity event and/or charity collection – who do I contact for more information?
To speak to us about arranging a charity event or collection, please phone 020 7237 5282, or get in touch by email.
I’d like to take pictures or carry out surveys within the centre – who do I contact for more information?
Please contact centre management regarding photography or carrying out surveys at the centre. All requests are required in writing, giving as much detail as possible. A member of staff will then be in touch. Our address is: 43 Surrey Quays, Redriff Road, London SE16 7LL.
You can contact centre management with any initial queries either by calling the office on 020 7237 5282, or get in touch by email.